Negeene Mosaed

Negeene Mosaed for Rent Board, 2022
Negeene Mosaed


Negeene is a homeowner and the owner of Berkeley Community Physical Therapy, a 30-year institution, which is dedicated to delivering quality care to all our community, including MediCal and Medicare clients. A longtime Bay Area resident, Negeene is of Iranian ancestry and has deep roots with the Iranian people’s movement for liberation, both from imperialist forces and the dictatorships of the Shah and the clerical regime. She is a single mother of two boys, who she has raised alone for the past 12 years.

In the last decade, she has helped thousands of Berkeleyens to regain their mobility to move forward with their lives. She has seen many of her clients suffer through the misery of eviction and displacement. Observing firsthand the negative impacts that housing insecurity inflicts upon their clients’ health and wellbeing has driven her to be an advocate in this aspect of their lives by working to enforce Berkeley’s tenant protection and rent-control laws. She believes that, as a fundamental human right, Berkeley’s housing stock must not be solely dedicated to increasing the passive wealth of billionaires and must instead be committed to preserving the life of our community.

Negeene has been deeply engaged in progressive grassroots organizing in Berkeley. She serves on the steering committees of the Berkeley Tenants Union and Berkeley Citizens Action and is a member of Friends of Adeline.

Click here to donate to Negeene!


Along with endorsements for the full slate, Negeene is individually endorsed by:


  • Chana Kronfeld, Bernie H. Williams Professor of Comparative and Hebrew Literature, UC Berkeley
  • Ms. Richie Smith – Honorary  South Berkeley Mayor and member of Friends of Adeline